Fishing Trip Rates

Stripers Inc. practices the gift economy which focuses our intention on giving rather than receiving. We have no set rates, our service to you is a gift. We go fishing as friends and after the trip you are free to give in return whatever you feel to be a fair rate based on your experience at the end of the trip. If you wish, you can base your trip on an average rate you might expect when booking with another fishing guide service on Lake Texoma. Most guides on Lake Texoma will charge around $150/person with a 3 person minimum. Keep in mind that there will be no expectations as to what is given in return, and all that is given will be received in gratitude and appreciation.


Embracing the gift economy also allows us to focus on the experience of fishing without letting money and expectations diminish that in any way. It's not all about catching fish. It is about watching the sunrise over the water. It's about breathing in the fresh air, watching the light reflect off the waves, as well as friendship and communion, these experiences are priceless. Of course, we will make every effort to put fish in the boat, and we WILL catch fish, but the main priority is to enjoy the moment as it unfolds. Ultimately, we are at the mercy of mother nature and have no control over how many fish we will catch. Each day is different, some days we catch more fish than others but regardless of how well the fish are biting, when we are free of expectation, the experience of fishing can always be enjoyed. Let's go fishing, no worries, no expectations, just fishing and good times.


*Note: Large Groups of 7 or more people will have to operate based on a set rate of $150/person as we will require the assistance of additional guides.

The philosophy behind the gift economy:

The planetary resources can not continue to sustain the impact of our current system that is centered around profit extraction, it creates a mindset of taking which breeds greed and corruption as well as eroding resources and ecosystems. When we are simply taking from each other, the transaction is emotionally empty, we miss the value that is experienced when freely giving and receiving. As humans continue to evolve, deep social change will be needed if our experiment of civilization is to continue on this planet. Eventually, we must shift our focus away from profit maximization and learn to assess value in new ways. There is intrinsic value in a forest and in a lake which is priceless, there is value in our relationships, and there is value in giving. You can read more about the gift economy here:


I'll be looking forward to fishing with you,